Rosa Vicari, 2024, Leonard

Rosa Vicari

Communications Manager - Leonard

Rosa Vicari is Communications manager at Leonard since May 2023.

She was formerly in charge of communications and scientific promotion of the lab recherche environnement VINCI-ParisTech. She also joined VINCI’s Environment Department in 2019.

For 10 years, Rosa has been promoting dialogue and fostering new synergies around environmental and scientific issues. She worked from 2012 to 2018 as part of the scientific programme of the Veolia Chair “Hydrology for a Resilient City” and of regional and European research projects. Previously, she was a consultant for sustainable development projects and collaborated in the production of documentary films.

She holds a PhD in environmental sciences and technologies from the École des Ponts ParisTech and is the author of scientific publications on the role of digital media in climate change resilience strategies.

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