Construction and energy start-ups well represented among the projects awarded by the “French Tech 2030” programme

French Tech 2030
The aim of the French Tech 2030 programme is to accelerate the development of around a hundred innovative start-ups every year, turning them into industrial champions in sectors that are strategic for France, particularly in terms of the ecological transition. The list of the first 125 winners announced on 14 June includes a focus on positive impact technologies in the construction and energy sectors.

For a renewable period of one year, the winning start-ups of the 2023 edition will receive financial and non-financial support, easier access to public funding and private investors, a series of initiatives to raise the profile of their solutions, tailored support on regulatory and industrial issues, as well as on issues of promotion, influence and economic sovereignty. A real boost.

Construction Tech in the spotlight

While the winning start-ups of French Tech Next 40/120, an acceleration programme based on economic performance criteria, included commitments to the ecological transition for the first time this year, this first class was selected on the basis of the 10 objectives and 6 verticals of France 2030, which aim to produce better without impacting the climate, live better in a sustainable and healthy way, and better understand the complexity of our world.

Of the 125 start-ups singled out, around fifteen address environmental issues related to the building, infrastructure, low-carbon mobility and green energy sectors. These include Matterup, which promotes responsible construction using a clay-based cement with low CO2 emissions, and Altaroad, the inventor of an application that tracks building site waste to make its processing less polluting, calculating the carbon footprint of material flows in real time and suggesting ways of reducing their impact.

Altaroad is a member of the class of 2023 of our CATALYST support programme, designed to accelerate the development of start-ups by facilitating the match between the operational needs of VINCI companies and the value propositions of innovative companies, giving them the means to deploy innovative services and products in partnership with the Group’s Business Units.

The fact that construction and energy technologies are represented in the French Tech 2030 promotion is a reminder that France has a number of key assets with which to become a leader in environmental transition. The country boasts a long tradition of engineering, world-renowned industrial know-how, top-level schools and universities to train the talent that will make the difference, as well as some of the biggest construction companies in the global ecosystem.

At a time when the transformation of our cities is essential to combating global warming and producing a resilient urban model, the challenges of Construction Tech and energy are finally attracting the attention of institutional players. And that’s very good news, both for today and for tomorrow.

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