Circular economy: the challenges of scaling up

  • Leonard:Paris
    6 Place du Colonel Bourgoin
In partnership with Circul'R, join us at Leonard and online to identify the obstacles and opportunities to scaling up the circular economy and share inspiring examples of how it has been achieved.


Decarbonising the economy, reducing the use of primary resources, strengthening cooperation between stakeholders in value chains: the circular economy is emerging as a powerful lever for transforming economic sectors in the face of urgent environmental concerns. While there are many inspiring examples of how to implement a circular strategy, the challenge remains to capitalise on these experiences in order to accelerate the process.
This event will review the trends that could help bring the circular economy to scale.


Presentation of a ground-breaking report “Circular economy: the report for taking action” by Leonard and Circul’R

Round table discussion

Olivier Genelot, Managing Director, VINCI Energies France tertiaire IDF
Hervé Grimaud, Chairman and founder of Proclus, a company specialising in the re-use of technical electrical equipment
Morgane Moullié-Chauvet, engineer in charge of the “Adaptation to Climate Change – Energy and Climate” project, Observatoire de l’Immobilier Durable (Sustainable Real Estate Observatory)


Isabelle Spiegel, Environment Director and member of VINCI’s Executive Committee

Buffet and networking

Moderated by Isabelle Lambert, Director of Foresight at Leonard and Anne-Marie Mushamalirwa, Environment Manager at VINCI

An event organised in partnership with Circul’R.

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