Industrial startups and artificial intelligence: a winning combination?

After a decade dominated by software solutions, startups in the construction and infrastructure sectors are now diversifying, driven by the urgency of the climate crisis and the worsening geopolitical context.

A global reality 

We spend 80% of our time in a built environment that serves as our home, workspace, and leisure space. An additional 10% of our time is spent in motorised transportation, whether private or public. In the face of climate change, decarbonising the infrastructures we rely on to live, work, and travel is a critical challenge for the future of our societies. This requires increasing electrification and the adoption of breakthrough technologies. 

Startups inspired by the need for transformative change 

The scope of the problem has a unifying virtue: it brings together engineers and entrepreneurs with a shared mission to invent a decarbonised society capable of meeting our needs and sustaining our lifestyles in a durable way. Profound decarbonisation of the economy cannot be achieved through digital solutions alone. Industrial processes must also be rethought and innovated upon. 

In this context, new startups are stepping up to design, manufacture, and produce materials, tools, or robots that provide concrete solutions. For instance, we need low-carbon concrete that is as strong as traditional concrete but reduces CO2 emissions by 70%. We also need materials that combine robotics and AI to invent and produce lightweight structural components that can replace steel, concrete, or aluminum in construction and mobility, such as those offered by Strong By Form, a company specialising in enhanced wood manufacturing. 

The growing interest of investors 

In parallel with the rise of industrial solutions driven by startups, the fundamentals of our economy are undergoing a radical shift. The outsourcing of production tools and the prioritisation of service economies in developed countries have shown their limitations. 

The aspiration for greater independence in the production of materials and energy is now widely recognised. Before COVID-19, the global supply chain operated on the “just-in-time” model. Since the pandemic, a “just-in-case” approach has emerged, encouraging regionalised industrial production and storage. 

Politically, this trend aligns with increasing national and continental sovereignty concerns, whether for pharmaceuticals, energy, or materials. Investors have taken notice of this paradigm shift and are now directing their funds toward tangible industrial innovations that advance decarbonisation, offering solid and sustainable returns. 

Over the past two years, 40 investment funds dedicated to this real economy have been created globally, raising €10 billion. In 2023, InfraTech (the integration of technology and digital solutions into infrastructures) saw significant interest from investors. By the third quarter of 2024, quarterly investments – totalling slightly over $2 billion– were balanced across ConTech, Building Tech, and InfraTech (source: Builtworlds). 

A promising new paradigm for industry 

Thus, the fight against carbon has found its battleground. These industrial startups are ushering in a promising era, not only for the industry but also for the revitalisation of our regions. 

The new paradigm, combining technology, artificial intelligence, material innovation, agility, and flexibility, represents a powerful model for economic transformation. These factors can and should attract an increasing number of talented minds to an industry poised to play its part in achieving carbon neutrality by 2050.


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This article is taken from our Yearbook 2025: “Shaping solutions”.  

Read the yearbook 2025: « Shaping solutions »

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