Taking the heat off 5G?

The debate surrounding the 5G rollout highlights the importance of telecommunications infrastructure in the modern world. This is why mobile connectivity technology finds itself at the center of the debate surrounding health, security, innovation, the environment and even one of the greatest geopolitical power struggles of our time. The rise in 5G conspiracy theories also highlights certain concerns about new technology today. And so if we want to go beyond these heated and often sterile debates, a more concrete, practical approach is needed!

A geopolitical battle

Telecommunications are a matter of national security. If a nation doesn’t have its own hardware in this domain, then it’s like not having an army,” explained Ren Zhengfei, CEO of Huawei, back in 1994! A quarter of a century later, and the battle for tech sovereignty is blazing – especially between the two giants in the sector: China and the US. The 5G rollout does indeed raise many questions in terms of industrial espionage, cyberwarfare and, more generally, of influence on a global scale.  

China’s Dominance of 5G Networks Puts U.S. Economic Future at Stake, Barr Warns – NYT

Bataille géopolitique autour de la 5G – Le Monde Diplomatique

The 5G Future – Politico

A hacker’s paradise? 5G and cyber security – FT


From rapid rollout to broken promises

5G is destined for a fast rollout. Ericsson forecasts 220 million 5G mobile subscriptions in the coming year, and GSMA estimates that a third of the world’s population will be connected by 2025. That said, expectations are high on the business side of things. According to Guy Pujolle, network specialist and professor at the Sorbonne University in Paris, “5G won’t be a revolution for consumers, but for businesses.” Although the general public decry high prices and patchy coverage, business use cases are increasing and widespread 5G uptake is predicted.         

Observatoire du déploiement 5G – Janvier 2021 – ARCEP

Introducing 5G technology and networks (speed, use cases and rollout) – Thalès

5G has been heralded as a tech game changer but consumers in China are underwhelmed by spotty coverage and hard sell – South China Morning Post

Super fast 5G in the US still a work in progress – Techxplore

À l’étranger, la 5G a-t-elle convaincu les abonnés ? – Ariase

5G : un marché de niches… industrielles – ZDNet

La 5G ne sera pas une révolution pour les consommateurs, mais pour l’entreprise – France Inter


5G transforming the construction industry

No industry is spared when it comes to the promise of better mobile connectivity. In the construction industry, such promises can be seen in remote operation, construction progress tracking (with IoT or connected drones), health monitoring for construction workers and even in improved accuracy of BIM models. However, these applications remain dependent on construction companies’ ability to actually use the data they collect. “Before any organization even considers technology innovations such as 5G, they should reconsider the importance of operational data governance,” explains Burcin Kaplanoglu, executive director and innovation officer at Oracle Construction & Engineering.

Exploring the potential for 5G in construction – Volvo

BAM to trial innovative 5G use in construction – Construction Enquirer

What 5G Means for Construction Tech – Construction Executive

5G set to revolutionise the construction industry – Construction Global

China puts 5G to work in construction – KHL

Transmitting the 5G opportunity to construction – BIM+


5G in the city

5G is often described as the key to an effective smart city. Low latency rates benefit autonomous vehicles; connecting urban infrastructure promises considerable development in traffic management; real-time energy consumption data suggests radical smart grid optimization… But with these promises also come risks: cybersecurity, equality of access, and surveillance societies which are now more than ever the focus of concern.

5G is about to radically transform your city and your life. Are you ready? – Urban Hub

What will 5G Bring to the Smart City? – NEC

The Impact of 5G: Creating New Value across Industries and Society – WEF

How can we protect our smart cities in the age of 5G? – Kaspersky

Does 5G Have the Potential to Make the Digital Divide Worse? – government technology


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