Contech: platform-driven innovation

So what does the construction industry’s platform strategy success depend on? Are platforms the result of the sector’s digital overhaul? Do they really accelerate circular economy initiatives, regardless of the project type and region-specific conditions? Here’s our selection of reports, field surveys, and expert analyses which provide answers to these questions.

There’s a strong momentum in the ConTech sector. And the newest, most innovative services are often platforms. In construction, like elsewhere, platforms now come in all shapes and sizes: product and service platforms, industrial platforms (intermediation process), and cloud platforms (selling data processing/storage).

The first article on the A Side of our newsletter looks at what makes these now essential digital players a success, highlighting several gems and giving an insight into the latest goings-on in this booming industry. Circular economy and recruiting experts come in high on the list of growth drivers for ConTech digital platforms. The circular economy is perfect for a platform-based strategy because the stakes are high when it comes to constructing more modestly while preserving the local environment, and that success depends first of all on the possibility of creating a market by matching disparate supply and demand – which is precisely what platforms excel at, as explained in the A Side’s second article. Platforms also provide much-needed support in recruiting experts. This comes at a time when, despite the Covid 19 crisis, the construction sector is structurally involved in a phase where recruitment needs will increase. By connecting projects with talent, platforms are establishing themselves as an effective method, explains Karim Tamarzist, co-founder of the Build2B platform, when we interviewed him.


> Platforms and their limits

A well-documented review of the book Platform Capitalism by the essayist Nick Srnicek, which analyses the economic characteristics of digital platforms.



> Platform strategy explained

Platformization strategy tips that are more than just being the next “Uber for X”, by the MIT Sloan School of Management.

Sloan School of Management – MIT


> Data access, intra-platform co-opetition, and inter-platform competition

An in-depth analysis of the technical and economic equilibrium between platforms and businesses.

Revue d’économie industrielle


#Platforms & Construction

> The construction industry’s global digital transformation in 2020

A survey lead by Coleman Parks for Finalcad, in which 200 site managers and 200 HQ managers/directors in France, Spain, Japan, and Singapore were questioned.



> Cyberstructure and fifth fluid design: revolutions in the construction industry

An analysis published in the journal Constructif in 2019 highlights the pressing need for interoperability and connectivity in new buildings; BOS (Building Operating System) provides an access point for service platforms.



> A Connected Future: Digital Transformation in European Construction Firms and Beyond 

A study lead by IDC Research for Autodesk, which surveyed more than 800 construction professionals Europe-wide.



> Rise of the platform era: The next chapter in construction technology

An analysis of ConTech platforms by consulting firm McKinsey, which groups the four most common use cases: 3-D printing, modularization, and robotics; digital-twin technology; artificial intelligence and analytics; and supply-chain optimization and marketplaces.



> The platform strategy will revolutionize the development business

The UK national Challenge Director – Transforming Construction explains the challenges behind the Transforming Construction Program in the UK. The program is centered on the platformization of companies in the sector.

UK Research & Innovation


> Technology transfer in the construction industry

Exploratory research lead by two universities in Sweden and Finland on the effectiveness of platform strategy in technology transfer in a construction context, using single-family modular homes as a practical example.

Journal of Technology Transfer


# Platforms and circular economy

> Construction industry circular economy platforms

The collective Makesense outlines the different types of platforms contributing to the construction industry’s circular economy and offers an open database listing initiatives in France.



> Buildings and circular regions

A combined report on circular economy in the construction industry.

Construction 21


> Digital platforms as market places for the circular economy—requirements and challenges

Report on the advantages and barriers facing circular economy digital platforms, conducted by two researchers from the Wuppertal Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie GmbH.

Sustainability Management Forum, 2019


> DigiPrime: Digital Platform for Circular Economy in Cross-Sectorial Sustainable Value Networks

Report from the European DigiPrime project to create cross-sectorial circular economy platforms, focusing on the construction industry.

Proceedings of The 8th Annual International Sustainable Places Conference (SP2020)


> Digital Technologies for Urban Metabolism Efficiency: Lessons from Urban Agenda Partnership on Circular Economy

Through the Circular Resource Efficiency Management Framework developed by the European Commission, this paper generates insights into the digitalization practices of the circularity of urban metabolism by analyzing the initiatives implemented by the municipalities of Kaunas, Porto, Prato, The Hague, Oslo, and the Flanders region, which constitute the Partnership on Circular Economy (PCE) of the Urban Agenda of the European Union.



> Digital Platform for Circular Economy in AEC Industry

This article by a team from the Vienna University of Technology proposes a framework for a Digital Platform for Circular Economy (DEEP), integrating various stakeholders and data repositories on the external (inter)-firm and internal (intra)-firm level, using open interfaces.

Engineering Project Organization Journal


> Improving the understanding of circular economy potential at territorial level using systems thinking

Systemic review was conducted by an international team (South Africa, Italy, Sweden, Spain) linking territorial characteristics and interventions to promote circular economy at a local, industrial level.

Sustainable Production and Consumption


> Procurement innovation for a circular economy of construction and demolition waste: Lessons learnt from Suzhou, China

Lessons learnt for a successful approach to circular economy in Public Private Partnerships in Suzhou, China, conducted by a Chinese university team combining management science, architecture, and engineering.

Waste Management


#Already on our radar

With the shift to online platforms, what does the future hold for the construction industry? [sept. 2020]

Platformization of the real estate industry [avril 2019]

What we’ve learnt from Airbnb’s layoffs [juin 2020]

Are mobility applications a ticking time bomb? [juin 2018]

A construction revolution? Builders 4.0, get ready! Our report from Building Beyond [oct. 2020]

The circular economy is moving into worksites: report from the Building Beyond festival [oct. 2020]

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